My musings
To mark this year’s #BeKindtoAnimalsWeek I’ve compiled a list of 10 things you can do to supercharge your kindness to animals and your fellow earthlings.
If you’re on the spiritual path, you may think that putting all of your trust into an all-pervading power like the Universe or God, is all just part of the journey.
I propose that true freedom is not so much about where you are physically located in space, but rather it is a feeling that can be cultivated in each moment of your life.
Being a slave to the mind is both challenging and exhausting, but as we begin to understand its antics, so arises the opportunity for us to break free and come back home.
For all of my years working in the corporate sector, I wore my ability to multitask like a badge of honour.
We commit to spiritual practice for the same reason we lay solid foundations for a house… so that when the going gets tough, we don’t topple over.
An article I read recently about disenfranchised grief in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic has helped me to reflect on how often I gloss over my emotions in the spirit of ‘getting on with it.’
Lately I have been enjoying singing lessons and one my biggest [re]learnings among many, has been how I position my head when I chant.
I have been diving into Human Design over the past few days and I have found it to be another interesting tool for self-realisation.
This yummy dish is a staple for me. Delicious, filling and packed with all the good plant-based proteins. And even better…no sentient being was harmed in the making of it. 💗🙏✨
To remember is to come back home to the loving, unconditioned authentic Self which is free of bondage of the mostly over-bearing and egoic unwatched mind.
For years, most have known me as Roar Spirit Yoga. And while the title has served me well, today I am proud to step into the sacred power of my name.
Is anyone else feeling at the moment that the smallest things (tasks, conversations etc) feel like running a marathon?
Recently I’ve been reflecting upon my ancestors and their contribution to my spiritual realisation.
Veganism is not a diet. It’s finally understanding that your actions are actively harming other living beings and then taking a vow so to never do it again.
Lately, I have been wanting to feel close to my late parents and this practice from Vietnamese zen master Thich Nhat Thanh has really helped me to do so. It’s also very useful if you can’t be close to yours at the moment because of current COVID-19 restrictions.