A simple way to free your voice
Image: To do and what not to do!
Lately I have been enjoying singing lessons and one my biggest [re]learnings among many, has been how I position my head when I chant.
Basically, when the chin is lifted in song, your false vocal folds are likely inhibiting your true vocal folds. Meaning, you’re not tapping into the full potential of your voice.
My teacher describes the false vocal folds as being protectors. Like a big brother moving in to scoop up the true vocal folds to keep them safe. Our bodies are oh, so clever!
So what we really want while chanting is a version of jalandhara bandha (throat lock in yoga) where the chin is tracking towards the chest and the back of the neck is lengthening. I’ve found it’s this position where everything seems to happen for me and I’m also more likely to hit higher notes.
But, like with any habit, this has been so hard for me break… not just in singing but in life, in a postural sense.
My neck flexors are weak which push my head forward and up, so I’ve been strengthening these too.
I’ve also found when chanting the Name (of the Divine) my tendency is to want to look up!
In any case, all of this is a good exercise in proprioception (where am I in space?)
So, maybe try this out next time you chant Om in a yoga class or when you’re next in the shower belting our your favourite tune.
Notice the difference between the two voice states: true and false. Effort and ease. Sthira and sukha.
There’s heaps more to tapping into your voice’s absolute potential, but this is one thing that has jumped out to me through my journey.
Funny isn’t it, how yet again the key is to get our of your own way so that your true Self may shine through.✨☀️
om shanti xx