Hurry up and wait - living life by design

I have been diving into Human Design over the past few days and I have found it to be another interesting tool for self-realisation.

I’m not going to lie, it’s a rabbit warren and I barely understand it, yet. But, as with my Yoga practices, it has helped me to identify some patterns in my personality that play on constant loop due to my subconscious conditioning and now, as it turns out, because I was just made that way.

As far as I can tell so far, Human Design provides you with a strategy for living a life aligned with your highest Self. It’s essentially an energetic map outlining what types of energies you should ground into more so to live more attuned with Source and which parts of you are open to the influence of environmental energy sources (namely, other people).. so you can learn to manage them better. It was no shock to learn that I am totally open in my will (ego) centre… reinforcing why it is an innocent off the cuff comment from someone can lead me into a down spiral of self doubt and self-deprecation.  

According to my profile, I need to wait for Divine timing. I need to surrender and wait for signs and for my gut to say YES (ah-huh!). Also, by design I am should not make irrational decisions (well actually, any decision) until I’ve ridden the full wave of my emotional centre.  Basically, my design means that I live out the emotions of a regular menstural cycle in one day! 

I also have to trust more. Trust that the experience I need to evolve will show up in Divine timing. And that’s a hard thing to tell a woman who had at one point of her life had conditioned herself into an ambitious and assertive force taking on the corporate world.  

I do however feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. That I don’t need to hurry and life is happening for me.

This work has also reaffirmed stuff I already knew. That my life’s purpose is to lift others up through love, and help to guide others to self-assurance and realisation by sharing my own experiences and challenges. Funnily, these two things are what have motivated me recently to re-skin my yoga offering to the sacredness of my name

Goodness, all this and so many more learnings and things to consider. I love going deeper into discovering just what it is I am moving through to remember what I already am. 

I got my Human Design body chart from Jovian Archive via my dear friend Trina who I feel really wanted this for me!

From there I started reading and YouTubing about my profile, strategy, inner authority and my defined and opened centres. As I understand it, you can actually pay for a reading from a Human Design specialist, but there’s also heaps of free resources online you can search through.

Have fun and good luck but please remember, there’s no amount of charts, philosophies, teachings or ideas that can replace the embodied experience of you. You and your lived experience of you, are your best teacher.

Om Shanti xx

Thumbnail image thanks to Maddie Turnball x


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