Chant: Adi Mantra (Ong Namo)

This sacred Kundalini mantra is the ultimate recognition of the divine teacher within. You as your ultimate Guru, or remover of darkness.

It is my belief that any teacher in your life should only be interested in helping you see what you already are. Any egoic or selfish agendas should not be tolerated nor accepted.

This mantra brings us home to our Self so that we might remember the infinite potential within us. That part of us that already has the answers, that wants to be free of the mind and that loves everyone and everything equally and unconditionally. That embraces one-ness, not other-ness.

When I chant this mantra it invokes the essence of deeping knowing and feelings of deep peace and assurance. The words to this prayer are:

Ong Namo Gurudev Namo

Gurudev Gurudev Namo

Om Shanti xx


Chant: Maha Mantra